Friday, May 9, 2008

Waking up

The kids usually make their way over to our bed when they wake up in the morning. This has really been one of the best things from this past year: having the time to cosy up and snuggle in bed with them in the mornings.

Just before they got up and stumbled into our bed today, I woke up from a bad dream. There was a blue and green snake involved (bearing a startling resemblance to J's toy snake!), which eventually imploded, but it sure got my heart racing.

After J was in bed next to me, I told him that I had had a bad dream. (He has bad dreams of his own regularly, so I thought: good chance to show him that he wasn't the only one.) In reply, J reached his hand under the covers, and patted and rubbed my arm to sayang me.

I sure felt a lot better after that.

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