Friday, September 21, 2007

A Visit to the Fair

Today's been such a totally fun-packed day for the kids. J had school in the morning, then we brought Willie the guinea pig home, then we took off to the L.A. County Fair (which is at Pomona, next to Claremont, for most of September). It seems to be a pretty big deal here; a lot of people are excited about it. What it is really, is a pasar malam, just on a much much bigger scale. True to the American way, there is deep-fried everything here: fried S'mores, fried Twinkies, fried Coke!

The highlight was the amusement park rides. J had his pick! Bumper boats, giant slides, race cars...

E couldn't reach the height requirement for most rides, so she missed out. But here's one she managed to get on.

Not too many rides, but she did thoroughly enjoy a corn dog.
(Imbibing the American way of life.)
And both J and E enjoyed the petting zoo. J has become quite fearless when it comes to most animals nowadays. The indoor play area was cool too - trains for J, play food for E, power tools for both! They were very very busy.

So exhausted. On the way home, when I suggested that J take a short nap in the car, he actually said, "Good idea, Mom", settled down and did just that. He who from birth has fought against sleep!

Comeback of the day:
When K told J that he had ten more minutes with the toy trains, he said, "Dad, five and five make ten!"

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