Thursday, May 10, 2007

We're here!

We made it to Claremont!

The flight was long, especially for E, who was very restless and not used to being restrained in such a little space at all. J was pretty good though - he even managed to find something on Krisworld that he wanted to watch, so he sat quietly for quite a while, earphones over his head - very cute!

He's also adapted to the new time zone really well, hardly any problems with being up at night - although he had some crazy cranky moments when he got quite tired. E, on the other hand, still hasn't quite figured out night and day - she was up for three-plus hours last night! So guess who was up with her!

Nonetheless, I'm glad to be here. It's been warmer than we thought it'd be, only getting cold in the evenings and at night. So far, we've been busy with shopping for things for the house and kitchen.

A special thanks to those who offered help to get us to the airport, and who came to see us off - you've been such a blessing and encouragement in this time of transition.

Some pictures...

This is our home for the next year. It's lovely - with a kitchen much bigger than the one we have back home - so I'm spoiled for the next year! The kids also have plenty of room to play so they're happy...

A close up of the rosemary bush that we have just outside our front door - fresh rosemary that I can use to cook!

K's also planted a lavender plant - we'll have to wait and see if this is a success or if our inexperience with gardening shows! So far J loves helping to water the plants!

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