Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Three Museums

The kids and I are just getting over a bout of runny noses. J's having quite a mild round, but E's little nose has been running all day. It's been a little tiring for me, but K's well thankfully, so he's been able to help me out with watching J in the afternoons when E and I take a nap. J seems to be pretty much over taking naps now, so we have to make do with trying to make him go to bed earlier at night.

Anyway, back to what else we did in Seattle. When K was busy at the wedding rehearsal and at the wedding proper, the kids were entertained in the hotel room with the portable DVD player. I'm so grateful we brought it along.

Let's see, we went to TWO different Children's Museums. The first one was located in Factoria Mall; pretty small, it was more of an extended play area, but it definitely entertained J, and kept E just a little distracted from her teething pains.

On Sunday we went to the Children's Museum at the Seattle Center, near the Space Needle. This one was great. There were lots of interesting exhibits that the kids could play around with. And everything was at their level and in their size so it was perfect for them. So much fun.

They tried their hands at painting and working with clay. We even managed to put paper frames around their paintings and brought them home. Best part - we didn't have any clean-up to do afterwards!

One of the games we like to play now at home is pretend cooking. I bought a set of kids-size kitchen utensils and usually give J and E a few containers with some uncooked pasta and let them pretend away. At the Children's Museum, they could pretend with plastic food, way cooler. Here's J at the Filipino food stall exhibit; where he picked out some food to serve to his Dad.

E also went grocery shopping. Too cute. She'd pick out something and then bring it over to the weighing scale to be weighed. Here is she trying to ring up her purchases at the cash register. I think she's got what's supposed to be a wheel of cheese in her hands.

J jamming and being a fireman!

E getting some tacos for snack time!

It was loads of fun and the kids had a great time. No pictures for the last musuem we visited because no photography was allowed. A real museum this time - the Burke Museum, where J and K got to check out real dinosaur fossils, while I hung out at the museum cafe with a napping E. It was great for J since he's in a bit of a dinosaur phase right now.

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