Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday

Today is Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, so named because all the sales that are going on can push retailers' balance books back into the black.

So Target, which is one of our favourite shops, is having a rare sale today and tomorrow, and they opened up this morning at 6am. I was there at 6.05am, and by the time I walked in, there weren't any shopping trolleys left! Singaporeans aren't the only ones who are kiasu. I walked past one man who said that he had started queuing up at 4.30am - he had a 37" LCD TV screen in his trolley, which was going for US$549, I think. It was a very popular item, I saw it in many a trolley.

Anyway, I managed to shop some in Target, get groceries at the grocery store, then pick up breakfast, before I got back home, climbed into bed and dozed a little. All this before the kids woke up! Very nice.

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