Sunday, December 30, 2007

Chicken Curry

Ok, I think this deserves repeating - Prima Taste rocks.

We had chicken curry for lunch this afternoon; we had some lunch guests over and wanted to show off some Singaporean food. The Prima Taste Singapore Curry mix was fantastic. K and I had the leftovers with prata this evening for dinner. It was good.

J loved having people over. When we first told him yesterday that he'd have some friends to play with at home today, he was quite hesitant. Mainly he was worried that they would mess up his trains and train tracks. But once our guests arrived, he was Mr Sociable, bringing them to his playroom, bringing out a whole pile of books for a seventh-month-old baby to look at so that she wouldn't get bored, and generally chattering away at the top of his lungs. When they finally left, he was so crestfallen. Literally, his shoulders drooped down, he hung his head and he just had such a sad look on his face.

E had a harder time with our guests in the house. She wouldn't share! (As one of our guests said, she was being completely age-appropriate.) Any time M, who's two, picked up something, whether it was a book or toy, E would rush over, and try to snatch it away, and if she didn't manage to, she'd scream and cry. She'd make such a racket that M would eventually just give up and hand whatever she had back to E. I was mortified.

1 comment:

Mich said...

i haven't tried evevrything in the range but Prima Taste laska is as good as it gets! It's Katong Laksa in a box! :-)

And the best part, it truly makes one look (and feel) so professional!