Sunday, August 5, 2007

Train Heaven, Part Deux

We drove down to the Travel Town Musuem today, the second time in four days! Special reason though: they had a Thomas Play Day today, so there were four big mats laid out on the ground with plenty of train tracks and two Thomas playtables with assorted accessories. You can see that the children were hard at play. There were a few tense moments though - naturally, when there are so many children and only so many toys. But they managed to share or take turns for most of the time.

They played for more than an hour before we managed to get them to leave. We had wanted to check out another railroad musuem next to Travel Town (LA Live Steamers Musuem, which is only open on Sundays), but we got there five minutes too late and they had closed for the day already. J was terribly disappointed! Poor thing. So we have to go another time.
Sunday School today for J, and he remembered what happened last week, because he was quite hesistant about going in. He asked me to let him stay with me in the service today. But after some reassuring, he agreed to go the Sunday School. Thank God, it went ok today and he said he had fun.

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