Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A Visitor

K's friend from his Princeton days visited today, and spent most of the day with us. The kids took to Auntie Janice really well, and were very interested in her gift of two kiddie books to them (one of which was "Green Eggs and Ham"). K and I enjoyed the adult company too! So it was really fun having her with us today.

Just before bedtime this evening, we found High School Musical showing on TV, so we caught the last 45 minutes or so with the kids. And here's what we found out: E is a natural dancer! Every time a song came on, she'd get up to dance: spinning around, waving her arms, trying to snap her fingers to the music (when she heard us doing the same), stomping her little feet. Too cute. J, on the other hand, was sprawled on the floor - too tired to get up because he skipped his nap, although he'd never admit it. (He seems to be outgrowing his naps! I'm so dismayed.)

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