We now have more basil than we know what to do with. Which is a very novel experience for us. I mean, to have plants that are actually flourishing as opposed to languishing... It's a great new feeling. K's been putting in all the hard work in tending to the plants, so all the kudos go to him.

Update: I underestimated. There are almost 50 baby tomatoes growing. None of them ripe yet though. A bumper crop.
Fio, I would absolutely luuurrve to have some of your basil! McCormick dried basil will not measure up to this! :-) Can basil thrive in Singapore's weather?
Fio, I would absolutely luuurrvve to have some of your basil!
McCormick basil certainly doesn't measure up to this. Can basil thrive in Singapore's weather?
Ahh. I see the stake in the ground idea is aive and well.
Hey Mich,
Basil can thrive in Singapore, my ex-boss had lots growing and she used to pass some to us. But we've never had any success personally, cos I think it thrives more in a big big pot/garden rather than a small pot in the kitchen.
Hey Shaun,
Yeah, but we only started using the stake in the ground idea a couple of days ago. When I couldn't stand seeing the plants lying down instead of growing up, under the weight of the tomatoes.
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